Larsen Husby

MFA in Studio Art, UIC, 2020 (expected)
BA in Studio Art, Macalester College, 2012
Larsen Husby (b. 1990, Boston) is an interdisciplinary artist working in drawing, sculpture, installation, and performance. His practice is deeply rooted in the theme of place: how it is represented, interpreted, and experienced. Much of his work is in direct response to his location — from 2016 to 2018, he undertook "Long Trace of Minneapolis," a project in which he walked every street within the city of Minneapolis (a total of 1,315 miles) as form of performative drawing and extended meditation on the city. This interest in local geographies also extends to local communities, and how art can be used to form bonds within a community. In 2013, he co-founded the Minneapolis Art Lending Library, a non-profit organization which allows the public to borrow original works of art, free of charge, made by both local and national artists.
Courses Taught