IDEAS Program Director's Message

IDEAS begins with the premise that the new millennium requires new ways of thinking, making, and doing in the arts, and between them.
IDEAS is committed to the principle that the opportunities and problems associated with this emerging paradigm are complex and best approached from a variety of disciplinary standpoints.
IDEAS is built on the premise that sometimes two minds (or three or four!) are better than one, so we emphasize group projects, team work, and collaboration.
IDEAS is built around a foundations sequence of four courses that lays a firm groundwork in Art & Art History, intermedia practice, interdisciplinary creativity, digital platforms and design thinking.
IDEAS students to take advantage of the disciplines that make up the College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts (CADA).
IDEAS is ideal for transfer students.
Through the year-long capstone project, the IDEAS student commences a lifetime of interdisciplinary inquiry. The details of that project are worked out with an outside mentor or the Program Director.