We are excited to share a new course offering for summer 2021, ART 280: Collaborative Resistance Printshop
William Estrada, T/TH, 11–11:50am + 2:00–4:15pm, CRNs: 23256 + 23257
The course will focus on the creation of embroidery enhanced prints within a social and political context to amplify the stories and concerns of historically marginalized groups, with specific attention given to Chicago neighborhoods. Using accessible printmaking techniques, sewing, textiles, and digital distribution students will potentially work with community organizations doing grassroots organizing to develop and distribute images to the public that support people movements. We will learn from the work of contemporary artists working in collaboration with people to challenge oppressive systems through healing and joy. Online Synchronous.
The course will focus on the creation of embroidery enhanced prints within a social and political context to amplify the stories and concerns of historically marginalized groups, with specific attention given to Chicago neighborhoods. Using accessible printmaking techniques, sewing, textiles, and digital distribution students will potentially work with community organizations doing grassroots organizing to develop and distribute images to the public that support people movements. We will learn from the work of contemporary artists working in collaboration with people to challenge oppressive systems through healing and joy. Online Synchronous.
*See second image for digital flyer
Image: Healing Series v. 1 by Kill Joy