The second MFA class of 2022 Thesis Exhibition in Studio Arts, Ouroboros features Keaton Fox, Pushpakanthan Pakkiyarajah, Grace Schmidt/Boss, and Amanda Taves.
MFA Thesis Talk:
Friday April 22, 6–7pm moderated by Dianna Frid
Gallery 400 Lecture Room, 400 S Peoria St., Chicago IL, 60607
Closing Reception:
Friday April 22, 7–9pm
Gallery 400, 400 S Peoria St., Chicago IL, 60607
The image of a snake twisted into a circle to consume its own tail has been a symbol of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth since ancient times. In the exhibition, Ouroboros, artists Keaton Fox, Pushpakanthan Pakkiyarajah, Grace Schmidt/Boss, and Amanda Taves all explore different aspects of this cycle, whether negotiating the devastation of death caused by war, entanglements between humans and the environments they inhabit through investigations performed at an FBI “body farm” where donated bodies births new ecological life, undertaking the task of recalling one’s own birth or exploring the physical and emotional bonds of motherhood, the artists in Ouroboros, update the symbol’s meaning to account for the complexity of contemporary life.